Live Update : US president Election

11:45 a.m. ET Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, the Republican vice presidential nominee, and his family members cast their vote at the polling station across the street from the governor’s mansion.

The polling location is at St. Thomas Aquinas church, where Pence and his wife Karen first met. As a freshman in law school, Pence says he saw a brunette woman playing the guitar and went to speak to her after the sermon.

“Didn’t get to hear much of the sermon that day,” Pence joked to reporters.

--CBS News’ Reena Flores

11:13 a.m. ET Hillary Clinton wins the vote on the U.S. island of Guam, reports the Pacific Daily News.

The U.S. citizens in Guam casting ballots totaled 32,071. Clinton received 71.63 percent of the vote, while Trump received 24.16 percent. Socialist candidate Emidio Soltysik, the only third-party candidate on the ballot, took in 4.22 percent of the vote.

CBS News’ Election Center: Live Results
Guam, 15 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time, frequently calls itself “Where America’s Day Begins.” For the last several years (since 1980), Guam residents have correctly chosen the winner of each presidential race. The island’s voting record was upset in 1996, however, when a typhoon hit Guam on the nation’s voting day.

Votes from Guam, however, don’t count, as the island has no representation in the Electoral College.

--CBS News’ Reena Flores

10:57 a.m. ET Donald Trump arrives at a polling place in New York to cast his vote.

Trump traveled four blocks from his campaign headquarters by motorcade. “We can see Trump Tower from where we are here,” CBS News’ Major Garrett told CBSN just now.

As he exited the vehicle, he gave one wave to his left and one to his right. Some on the sidewalk shouted encouragement, while some greeted the GOP nominee with boos and jeers.

Inside the polling location, Trump bought a cupcake from a child selling baked goods near the voting booths.

Inside the polling place, Trump was asked by the pool covering him whether he was concerned about voter fraud -- there’s always concern, he responded, but he added that the early state reports were good. he was accompanied by wife Melania, daughter Ivanka, and granddaughter Arabella, as well as his son-in-law Jared Kushner and his spokesperson Hope Hicks.

If he loses, would he concede, the pool reporter also asked. Trump said that we will see what happens. The GOP nominee also said he though he campaign had gone well.

--CBS News’ Sopan Deb

10:38 a.m. ET New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, the first of Trump’s former primary rivals to give his backing to the campaign, voted under the cover of darkness Tuesday, reports.

The New Jersey Republican, who now leads Trump’s transition team, arrived at the polls by 6:06 a.m., just minutes after the polls opened in the state.

--CBS News’ Reena Flores

10:30 a.m. ET NFL coach Bill Belichick, who Trump touted as a supporter while campaigning in New Hampshire Monday, did indeed send the GOP presidential nominee a letter announcing his endorsement.

CBS Boston confirmed the letter, read by Trump to a Manchester crowd, was in fact written by the Patriots head coach.

“Congratulations on a tremendous campaign. You have dealt with an unbelievable slanted and negative media and have come out beautifully,” said Trump, reading from Belichick’s letter Monday. “You’ve proved to be the ultimate competitor and fighter. Your leadership is amazing. I have always had tremendous respect for you, but the toughness and perseverance you have displayed over the past year is remarkable. Hopefully tomorrow’s elections results will give the opportunity to Make America Great Again.”

--CBS News’ Reena Flores

8:41 a.m. ET After voting at a school in Chappaqua, New York, Hillary Clinton worked a rope line of her supporters waiting outside. She told CBS News’ Nancy Cordes: “I’m so happy. I’m just so incredibly happy. All my friends and my neighbors, it makes me so happy.”

She also answered a question from a pool reporter about how it felt to vote for herself.

“It is the most humbling feeling, Dan, because I know how much responsibility goes with this and so many people are counting on the outcome of this election, what it means for our country and will do the very best if I am fortunate enough to win today.”

Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and her husband former U.S. president Bill Clinton depart after voting in the U.S. presidential election at the Grafflin Elementary School in Chappaqua, New York, U.S., November 8, 2016.  REUTERS/MIKE SEGAR
-- CBS News’ Hannah Fraser-Chanpong

8:39 a.m. ET President Obama is spending Tuesday morning playing basketball with friends at Ft. McNair--an Election Day ritual that dates back to his own presidential campaigns, according to the White House pool.

-- CBS News’ Rebecca Shabad

8:36 a.m. ET Vice President Joe Biden voted in Wilmington, Delaware early Tuesday.

“It could be a very long night of it could be very short,” he said, telling a reporter to keep an eye on Florida, according to a White House pool report.

“The bad news is I’m not going away,” he joked and said he would continue to fight against income inequality after he leaves office.

-- CBS News’ Rebecca Shabad

8:28 a.m. ET While on the plane in the early hours Tuesday morning after Hillary Clinton’s final campaign rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, Hillary and Bill Clinton took the “mannequin challenge” on the plane with their staffs and special guest Jon Bon Jovi.

For just under one minute, everyone did their best impressions of a frozen-in-time mannequin while a camera moved through the cabin, eventually landing on Hillary Clinton at the front of the plane, as she was speaking to Bon Jovi. Huma Abedin stood near by.  Then Hillary Clinton blinked and everyone started moving again.

A staffer for Bill Clinton suggested it, and they put the whole thing together in about 25 minutes, then shared it with the campaign embeds when they landed in New York.

The Democratic presidential nominee shared it on Twitter Tuesday morning.

-- CBS News’ Hannah Fraser-Chanpong

8:20 a.m. ET Eric Trump sat down for an interview on “CBS This Morning” and predicted Tuesday that his father will win key battleground states like Florida and Nevada in the presidential election.

Asked if he predicts his father will win Florida, Eric said, “I really do because frankly everywhere I go, there’s thousands of people that show up.”

Even if Trump wins Florida, he would also need to win states like Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

“There are six or seven different routes including Nevada, which traditionally never goes red, but I think it’ll go red this election cycle.”

-- CBS News’ Rebecca Shabad

8:17 a.m. ET Kaine spoke to “CBS This Morning” after he voted and said the election on Tuesday will be “history-making.”

“We think that this is gonna be a history-making election and you’ll wanna say you were there,” said Kaine, who said there was a “great line” at his polling place in Virginia when it opened at 6 a.m. ET.

Kaine emphasized that the issue Tuesday is turning out voters, but he also acknowledged that the Latino vote could make a huge difference in some of the battleground states.

 I think this is the election where the Latino community understand that they make a big difference, that they don’t view themselves as a minor part of the electorate anymore,” Kaine said. “In states like Florida, Virginia, North Carolina and Nevada, Colorado, all over the country Latino vote now sees that they could be a difference-maker. And that is an empowering thing.”

-- CBS News’ Rebecca Shabad

7:25 a.m. ET Tim Kaine cast his vote early this morning -- around 6 a.m. -- walking from his house with his wife Anne Holton, his parents and two neighbors.  He voted at the Hermitage Methodist Home in Richmond, Virginia.

For the rest of the day, he’ll appear on some morning shows to encourage people to vote, “have breakfasts with my buddies, then I’m going to come home after breakfast, and Anne and I and my folks are going to hang out go for a walk or something.” Mid-day, he said, they’ll make their way to New York, “and then just be nervous for awhile.”

The polls in most areas open at either 6 a.m. or 7 a.m., while poll closing times range from 6 p.m. to as late as 9 p.m. local time.

Where, when and how to vote on Election Day
6:46 a.m. ET The first votes are in, and Donald Trump is off to a very early lead in the 2016 presidential election, winning over the voters of three tiny New Hampshire precincts by a 32-25 margin over Hillary Clinton.

Polls in the New Hampshire towns of Dixville, Hart’s Location and Millsfield opened just after midnight Tuesday and closed as soon as everyone had voted. Clinton won more votes in Dixville and Hart’s Location, but Trump was the overwhelming favorite in Millsfield, with a 16-4 edge.

Under New Hampshire state law, communities with fewer than 100 voters can get permission to open their polls at midnight and close them as soon as all registered voters have cast their ballots. -- Associated Press

Watch CBSN at 6 a.m. ET, “CBS This Morning” at 7 a.m. ET for Election Day coverage

6:00 a.m. ET The 2016 race that began 595 days ago and involved 22 major candidates is expected to end Tuesday as millions of voters head to the polls across the U.S. to cast their ballots for president, vice president, their representatives in Congress and other elected officials.

On Monday, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, a former secretary of state and former first lady, held a small 4-percentage-point lead over GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, according to a CBS News poll measuring the state of the race before the polls opened. Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Virginia, is Clinton’s vice presidential nominee and Republican Gov. Mike Pence is Trump’s running mate.

Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein are two independent candidates who will appear on some or all ballots. Evan McMullin is another independent candidate who could perform well in his home state of Utah.

In order to win the presidency, a candidate must win 270 electoral votes -- a majority of the 538 electors. It’s possible for a candidate to win the national popular vote but lose the Electoral College, which is what happened in the 2000 presidential election. Electors are slated to cast their votes in mid-December, and the final tally won’t be official until Congress counts them on Jan. 6.

CBS News will be keeping an eye on 13 battleground states: Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin. As of Sunday, CBS said the four following states, totaling 73 electoral votes, were tossups: Arizona, Florida, Ohio and North Carolina. Clinton and Trump spent most of the last leg of their campaigns in Florida, North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Check back here for updates throughout the day, and as results come in Tuesday night.

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